Monthly Archives November 2015

Java and TDD Welcome to an introduction in Test Driven Development (TDD) series. We will talk about Java and JUnit in a context of TDD, but these are just tools. The main aim of the article is to give you a comprehensive understanding of TDD regardless of programming language and testing framework.

scala-logo Working with a JSON is very common task in a software development process. In Scala you can do it in many ways, either with help of Java popular libraries such as Jackson or using Scala specific libraries. How to make a right choice from the Spray JSON, Play JSON, Argonaut, Jackson, Rapture and many more?

Java lambdas Finally I write to my blog. I'm so excited, because more then 6 months I haven't wrote here. I do not want to make excuses, since I worked on another projects and now I'm ready to present them. If you are belong to 10 000 of my regular readers you definitely know that my blog is an educational in general. And I'm really glad to announce my new direction of development - e-learning.
