Monthly Archives February 2016

When you start learning a new programming language you likely begin with an environment setup, of course if you don't learn JavaScript, because in this case a browser would be enough. I bet, that the next step after the environment setup are variables. Definitely you need to start from variables, because it's the most essential topic in process of learning new programming language!

How a newcomer can understand Akka's principles of work? Couple of examples from the documentation could be not enough. From the other side, a simple application which shows Akka in action is a very good way for demonstration of Actors capabilities. So let's start the acquaintance with the simple Akka use case!

Probably the most popular process which happens behind the scenes in Akka is a messaging. And it's not, what comes to mind instantly, no any text messages like in Skype or mobile phones. Akka Actors can deal with different objects and classes which represent messages (Strings also allowed). As usually I'll use Scala as a programming language.
