Spring-Data Development of web-applications with the help of Spring MVC implies creation of several logical layers of architecture. One of the layers is a DAO (Repository) layer. It is responsible for communication with a database. If you developed the DAO layer at least once, you should know that it involves a lot of boilerplate code. A Spring Data take a part of the routine job related to the DAO on itself.

This time I want to make an overview of testing framework Mockito. Definitely this is one of the most popular tools for the testing of java code. I have already made the overview of the Mockito's competitor - EasyMock. This post will be based on the sample application from the post about EasyMock. I mean classes which represent coffee machine…

java-design-patterns There are lot of articles in the internet about design patterns. Most part of them, probably 99%, are based on GoF book. The book is describing recurring solutions to common problems in software design. I want to make my own contribution to this area in a context of Java. I don't pretend to be a professor in this area, so everything I will write in the first turn just for me, to make a clear organization of all this stuff. I will be very appreciated if this set of articles will help someone except me.
