Tag Archives education

For a long time I couldn't understand currying functions in Scala and how they work. That was really horrible! Because occasionally I met the currying functions in the code and wasted too much time to read them. So finally I decided to learn how it works and where could be applied.

Scala combines two programming paradigms: object oriented and functional. As a result you get best from the two worlds. From the one side you can describe models as objects, from the other side you can apply functions to them. And as you may guess, it's really awesome! Let's discover today basics of Scala functions.

When you start learning a new programming language you likely begin with an environment setup, of course if you don't learn JavaScript, because in this case a browser would be enough. I bet, that the next step after the environment setup are variables. Definitely you need to start from variables, because it's the most essential topic in process of learning new programming language!

Java lambdas Finally I write to my blog. I'm so excited, because more then 6 months I haven't wrote here. I do not want to make excuses, since I worked on another projects and now I'm ready to present them. If you are belong to 10 000 of my regular readers you definitely know that my blog is an educational in general. And I'm really glad to announce my new direction of development - e-learning.
