Continuing my tutorials about the Serenity BDD, I want to make an introduction to basics of tests run. In this post I'll examine how to run Serenity BDD tests with JUnit in Eclipse. It's pretty easy, but I think this will be useful for beginners, who want to know how to launch tests locally.
Tag Archives testing
Working with any java framework not so difficult as setting up an environment for it. Serenity BDD (Thucidyes) isn't an exception. In this post I will demonstrate how to setup Serenity BDD project with Maven. It's obvious that before starting work with something we need to perform some preparations. As a test web-application I'm going to use Evernote.
Hi everyone. Today I want to do a first step in writing of new tutorial series about automation testing of web applications. If to be more concrete I'm going to make an overview of Serenity BDD (Thucydides). I will consider ways of its usage and aspects of building testing framework with it. All stuff which I will talk about is related to testing of web applications. It's not regular Page Object Patter, so let's start!
Hello again! In the previous blog post I explained TDD theory in general, without close reference to Java, but in this part we start a TDD practice. Our goal is to go through all phases of TDD: from requirement analysis to refactoring of tested code. All this we will do on example with Java, JUnit and 'fake' requirements.
Welcome to an introduction in Test Driven Development (TDD) series. We will talk about Java and JUnit in a context of TDD, but these are just tools. The main aim of the article is to give you a comprehensive understanding of TDD regardless of programming language and testing framework.