Posts By Alex Fruzenshtein

Akka Data Access Actors

An actor model gives us outstanding solution for building of high scale and high load systems. Those of you who work with Akka, know that in the Actor model everything should be represented as an actor. In some sense this axioma simplifies a software development. Is this circumstance as good as it seems? In this article I'm going to demonstrate some approaches which may be applied to actors which need to interact with a database. Just imagine, what sense in a high scale and high load system if it does not communicate with a database?

akka http case class validation directive

If you work with Akka HTTP for a while, you should definitely know that it has multiple ways for model validation. I talk about http request body validation. Probably in 99% of cases you would like to ensure that user send something meaningful to the server. So exactly for this purpose Akka HTTP provides validation mechanisms. But what if you want to send back to the client side information about all invalid fields?
