This article will be about State design pattern. It is one of behavioral design patterns. You don't need to know many theory to understand the main concepts of the pattern. The post will be break in several parts where I will provide information about situations where the pattern need to be applied, cons and pros which it has and an example of usage.
Category Archives Java
This time I want to talk about Strategy design pattern. In this way I start articles about behavioral design patterns. These kind of patterns represent some schemas of interaction between objects to make a code more flexible and well organized.The most essential point of this approach is loose coupling between objects.
The one of creational design patterns is a Prototype design pattern. Despite that the Prototype is the creational pattern it distinguishes from other patterns by a concept. I mean that the Prototype in some sense creates itself. I'm going to explain it bellow. All magic of the Prototype pattern is based on a clone() method of a java Object. So…
Sometimes there is a need to create a complex object in application. The one solution for this is a Factory pattern, the another one is a Builder design pattern. In some situation you even can combine these two patterns. But in this article I want to examine the Builder design pattern. The first thing which I need to say that it is a creational pattern.
Today I will continue the articles from “Design Pattern: Java interpretation” series. A main hero of the post will be Factory pattern. It's one of the most popular creational patterns. The main aim of the Factory pattern is creation instances of classes depending on passed argument.