Category Archives Scala

When you start learning a new programming language you likely begin with an environment setup, of course if you don't learn JavaScript, because in this case a browser would be enough. I bet, that the next step after the environment setup are variables. Definitely you need to start from variables, because it's the most essential topic in process of learning new programming language!

scala-logo Working with a JSON is very common task in a software development process. In Scala you can do it in many ways, either with help of Java popular libraries such as Jackson or using Scala specific libraries. How to make a right choice from the Spray JSON, Play JSON, Argonaut, Jackson, Rapture and many more?

scala-logo The most part of time when I'm coding I use Java. So it's my main programming language. It satisfies me in all aspects, but I notice that Java is too verbose sometimes. That's why I have switched to Scala. So all free time I spend now for learning Scala. I'm going to publish some notes in my blog, hence you are welcome to visit new page of my blog which will be dedicated to Scala. The first serious article will be about Scala OOP.
