Before you start learning some new technology I recommend you find some good article, which make a concise overview of the technology and give several code examples. Hibernate has become the most popular ORM solution in Java development therefore it's not strange that the most vacancies require its knowledge. This article is challenging for me, because I'm going to make a basic overview of the technology and to provide a code sample with MySQL. In the end of the tutorial you can find link to example of Hibernate usage.
Today I want to talk about Maven. It's very powerful instrument and if you know how to use it you will make minimum effort to achieve maximum result. In general Maven helps you to manage a project including library dependencies, building process and etc... But in the article I'm going to show you one of the ways how to create a Dynamic Web Project using Maven (in Eclipse IDE).
When I talk about SQL databases, I always mean a set of tables with some relations between them. Relations in the databases are possible due to foreign keys. In the post I'm going to make a quick overview of the set up of foreign keys in MySQL using Toad MySQL. MySQL has strict standards, so Toad MySQL shouldn't create many restrictions for porting the steps to any other MySQL development tool.
The term "software development" has a lot of different abbreviations, especially when we are talking about Java development. Every day, reading any IT-portal you can see something like this: EJB, JSF, GWT, JSTL, POJO, JPA... Sometimes it seems hard to keep track of all rapidly changing technologies. So today I'm going to clarify all the aspects of JPA and Hibernate.
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