The most part of time when I'm coding I use Java. So it's my main programming language. It satisfies me in all aspects, but I notice that Java is too verbose sometimes. That's why I have switched to Scala. So all free time I spend now for learning Scala. I'm going to publish some notes in my blog, hence you are welcome to visit new page of my blog which will be dedicated to Scala.
The first serious article will be about Scala OOP.
A new book which I have already read is about testing. About white box testing in java. A new of the book is "Practical Unit Testing with TestNG and Mockito". An author of the book is Tomek Kaczanowski. Before I'll start a book review I want to mention that I have had previous experience in unit testing, but this book has opened for me new aspects in unit testing.
Many java developers and automation test engineers use TestNG as a testing framework in their job. I'm not an exception. This is an obvious choice because TestNG provides very powerful set of tools which makes working with all kinds of tests easier. To prove this I'll show you in this article how can be solved one not trivial task.
Not so long time ago I have to work with in-memory database. This activity was related to integration testing. As you know, it is a normal practice to use in-memory data bases for the integration testing. There are several reasons for this: portability, well grained environment infrastructure, high performance, consistency of original data base.
Lately I have dived into JavaScript. My new area of interests in JavaScript is KnockoutJS framework. Fortunately for me came upon a book Knockout.JS Succinctly by Ryan Hodson. In this post I will make a short review of the book. So let's start.