serenity-logo Continuing my tutorials about the Serenity BDD, I want to make an introduction to basics of tests run. In this post I'll examine how to run Serenity BDD tests with JUnit in Eclipse. It's pretty easy, but I think this will be useful for beginners, who want to know how to launch tests locally.

serenity-bdd Working with any java framework not so difficult as setting up an environment for it. Serenity BDD (Thucidyes) isn't an exception. In this post I will demonstrate how to setup Serenity BDD project with Maven. It's obvious that before starting work with something we need to perform some preparations. As a test web-application I'm going to use Evernote.

serenity bdd overview Hi everyone. Today I want to do a first step in writing of new tutorial series about automation testing of web applications. If to be more concrete I'm going to make an overview of Serenity BDD (Thucydides). I will consider ways of its usage and aspects of building testing framework with it. All stuff which I will talk about is related to testing of web applications. It's not regular Page Object Patter, so let's start!
